Sunday, May 30, 2010

Episode 2: Divorce Records

Air date: May 30, 2010.


1. Ultrathin - Glass City
2. Holy Cobras - Knife Fight
3. Slim Twig - Mansion Haunting
4. Cop Shades - North Korean Arts Degree
5. Les Beyond - Last Highway
6. Meat Curtains - East Infection
7. NĂ¼ Sensae - Don't Panic
8. Myelin Sheaths - I Don't Wanna Have an Operation
9. The Famines - Free Love is a Sales Technique
10. Grand Trine - I am a Magnet
11. Made in the World - Life's A Mess
12. Gilbert Switzer - Freudian Slap
13. Be Bad - Dead Head
14. Husband and Knife - The Sea
15. Shearing Pinx - French Kiss
16. Noveller - White Rabbit

Monday, May 24, 2010

Episode 1: Sun Ra

Air date: May 23, 2010.


1. Sun Ra and his Intergalactic Research Orchestra - It's After The End of the World (excerpt)
2. Ghostkeeper - Don't Come Knocking
3. Black Feelings - Magic Feeling
4. The Bitters - Nurtured Disease
5. Grand Trine - Radio Frequency Identification
6. Broken Deer - It Creeps
7. Metz - Lump Sums
8. Sun Ra - The Antique Blacks
9. Sun Ra and his Arkestra - Saturn
10. Sun Ra and his Myth Science Arkestra - Music from the World Tomorrow
11. Sun Ra and his Solar Arkestra - Solar Drums
12. Sun Ra and Lacy Gibson - I'm Gonna Unmask the Batman
13. Sun Ra and his Outer Space Arkestra - The Bridge
14. Sun Ra - Say